• Helpline-Admission: 9670449214, 9670459214 Exam. 6386023105

Academic Results

Results 2023-24

Visit to Online Portal for Viewing Academic Result 

Back/Ex Results 2023-24


Faculty of Law

►  BALLB VIII-Sem Ex-Student Result May-2024

►  LL.B. VI-Sem Ex-Student Result May-2024

►  BA LL.B. Semester-X Ex-Student Result May-2024

Faculty of Education

►  B.Ed. Semester-I Batch 2022 Back Result-2023

►  B.Ed.Spl.Ed.[HI] Semester-I Batch 2022 Back Result-2023

►  B.El.Ed Semester-I Batch 2021 Back Result-2023

►  M.Ed. Semester-I Batch 2021 Back Result-2023

►  M.Ed. Semester-I Batch 2022 Back Result-2023

►  M.Ed.Spl.Ed[HI] Semester-I Batch 2022 Back Result-2023

Faculty of Commerce

►  B.Com. Semester-I Batch 2022 Back Result-2023

►  M.Com. Semester-I Batch 2022 Back Result-2023

Faculty of Management & Computer Application

►  MCA Semester-I Batch 2022 Back Result-2023

Faculty of Law

►  BA LL.B. Semester-I Batch 2022 Back Result-2023

►  BA LL.B. Semester-I Batch 2019 Back Result-2023

►  BA LL.B. Semester-VII Batch 2017 Back Result-2023

►  BA LL.B. Semester-VII Batch 2018 Back Result-2023

►  BA LL.B. Semester-V Batch 2020 Back Result-2023

►  LL.B. Semester-III Batch 2019 Back Result-2023

►  LL.B. Semester-III Ex-Batch 2018 Back Result-2023

►  LL.B. Semester-I Batch 2018 Back Result-2023

►  LL.B. Semester-I Batch 2021 Back Result-2023

►  LL.B. Semester-III Batch 2021 Back Result-2023

►  LL.B. Semester-I Batch 2022 Back Result-2023

►  LL.M. Semester-I Batch 2021 Back Result-2023

►  LL.M. Semester-III Batch 2021 Back Result-2023

►  LL.M. Semester-I Batch 2022 Back Result-2023

►  LL.M. Semester-III Batch 2020 Back Result-2023

Faculty of Science

►  B.Sc.[Bio] Semester-III Batch 2021 Back Result-2023

►  B.Sc.[Bio] Semester-I Batch 2021 Back Result-2023

►  B.Sc.[Bio] Semester-I Batch 2022 Back Result-2023

►  B.Sc.[Maths] Semester-I Batch 2021 Back Result-2023

►  B.Sc.[Maths] Semester-I Batch 2022 Back Result-2023

►  B.Sc.[Maths] Semester-III Batch 2021 Back Result-2023

►  M.Sc.[Mathematics] Semester-I Batch 2022 Back Result-2023

►  M.Sc.[Physics] Semester-I Batch 2022 Back Result-2023

►  M.Sc.[Zoology] Semester-III Batch 2021 Back Result-2023

►  M.Sc.[Zoology] Semester-I Batch 2022 Back Result-2023

►  M.Sc.[Botany] Semester-I Batch 2022 Back Result-2023

►  M.Sc.[Chemistry] Semester-I Batch 2020 Back Result-2023

Faculty of Arts

►  B.A. Semester-III Batch 2020 Back Result-2023

►  B.A. Semester-III Batch 2021 Back Result-2023

►  B.A. Semester-I Batch 2021 Back Result-2023

►  B.A. Semester-I Batch 2022 Back Result-2023

►  B.A.[JMC] Semester-III Batch 2021 Back Result-2023

►  B.A.[JMC] Semester-I Batch 2021 Back Result-2023

►  M.A.[Education] VIth Semester=I Batch 2022 Back Result-2023

►  M.A.[Home Science] Semester-I Batch 2022 Back Result-2023

►  M.A.[Political Science] Semester-I Batch 2022 Back Result-2023

►  M.A.[Sociology] Semester-I Batch 2022 Back Result-2023

►  M.P.A.[Vocal] Semester-III Batch 2021 Back Result-2023

►  M.S.W. Semester-I Batch 2022 Back Result-2023

Special Back Results 2023

Faculty of Arts

►  B.A. VIth Semester Batch 2020 Special Back Result-2023

►  M.A.[Sociology] Ist Batch 2021 Semester Special Back Result-2023

►  MPA [Vocal] IIIrd Semester Batch 2020 Special Back Result-2023

Faculty of Commerce

►  B.Com. VIth Semester Batch 2020 Special Back Result-2023

Faculty of Law

►  B.A.LL.B. Xth Semester Batch 2018 Special Back Result-2023

►  LLM IIIrd Semester Batch 2021 Special Back Result-2023

►  LLM IVth Semester Batch 2020 Special Back Result-2023

►  LLM IVth Semester Batch 2021 Special Back Result-2023

Ex-Student Results 2023

Faculty of Law

►  B.A. LL.B.  IXth Semester Ex-Student Result-2023

►  B.A. LL.B.  VIIth Semester Ex-Student Result-2023

►  LL.B.  Vth Semester Ex-Student Result-2023

Special Back Results 2023

Faculty of Arts

►  M.A.[Geography]  IIIrd Semester [Batch 2022-23] Special Back Result-2023

►  M.A.[Geography]  Ist Semester [Batch 2021-22] Special Back Result-2023

►  M.A.[Home Science]  IIIrd Semester [Batch 2021-22] Special Back Result-2023

►  M.A.[JMC]  Ist Semester [Batch 2021-22] Special Back Result-2023

►  B.A.  IIIrd Semester [Batch 2020] Special Back Result-2023

►  B.A.  IIIrd Year [Batch 2017] Special Back Result-2023

►  B.A.  IInd Semester [Batch 2020] Special Back Result-2023

►  B.A.  Ist Semester [Batch 2020] Special Back Result-2023

►  B.A.  IVth Semester [Batch 2020] Special Back Result-2023

►  B.A.  VIth Semester [Batch 2019] Special Back Result-2023

►  B.A.  VIth Semester [Batch 2020] Special Back Result-2023

►  B.A.  Vth Semester [Batch 2019] Special Back Result-2023

►  B.A.  Vth Semester [Batch 2020] Special Back Result-2023

►  B.A.[JMC]  IIIrd Semester [Batch 2019] Special Back Result-2023

►  B.A.[JMC]  IVth Semester [Batch 2019] Special Back Result-2023

►  B.Lib.I.Sc.  IInd Semester [Batch 2022] Special Back Result-2023

►  Diploma in Jyotish, Karmakand & Vastushastra  Special Back Result-2023

►  M.A.[Ancient History]   Ist Semester [Batch 2021] Special Back Result-2023

►  M.A.[Ancient History]  IIIrd Semester [Batch 2021] Special Back Result-2023

►  M.A.[Economics]  IIIrd Semester [Batch 2021] Special Back Result-2023

►  M.A.[Education]  IIIrd Semester [Batch 2021] Special Back Result-2023

►  M.A.[Education]  IInd Semester [Batch 2021] Special Back Result-2023

►  M.A.[Education]  Ist Semester [Batch 2021] Special Back Result-2023

►  M.A.[English]  Ist Semester [Batch 2021] Special Back Result-2023

►  M.A.[English]  IIIrd Semester [Batch 2018] Special Back Result-2023

►  M.A.[English]  IIIrd Semester [Batch 2021] Special Back Result-2023

►  M.A.[English]  IVth Semester [Batch 2018] Special Back Result-2023

►  M.A.[Hindi]  IIIrd Semester [Batch 2021] Special Back Result-2023

►  M.A.[Hindi]  IInd Semester [Batch 2018] Special Back Result-2023

►  M.A.[Hindi]  IInd Semester [Batch 2019] Special Back Result-2023

►  M.A.[Hindi]  IInd Semester [Batch 2020] Special Back Result-2023

►  M.A.[Hindi]  IInd Semester [Batch 2021] Special Back Result-2023

►  M.A.[Hindi]  Ist Semester [Batch 2019] Special Back Result-2023

►  M.A.[Hindi]  Ist Semester [Batch 2020] Special Back Result-2023

►  M.A.[Hindi]  Ist Semester [Batch 2021] Special Back Result-2023

►  M.A.[Hindi]  IVth Semester [Batch 2020] Special Back Result-2023

►  M.A.[Political Science]  Ist Semester [Batch 2021] Special Back Result-2023

►  M.A.[Political Sciece]  IIIrd Semester [Batch 2021] Special Back Result-2023

►  M.A.[Geography]  IV Semester [Batch 2015] Special Back Result-2023

►  M.A.[JMC]  IIIrd Semester [Batch 2019] Special Back Result-2023

►  M.P.A.[Vocal]  IIIrd Semester [Batch 2020] Special Back Result-2023

►  M.S.W.  IInd Semester [Batch 2021] Special Back Result-2023

Faculty of Law

►  B.A.LL.B.  Ist Semester [Batch 2017] Special Back Result-2023

►  B.A.LL.B.  Ist Semester [Batch 2018] Special Back Result-2023

►  B.A.LL.B.  VIIIth Semester [Batch 2019] Special Back Result-2023

►  B.A.LL.B.  VIIth Semester [Batch 2018] Special Back Result-2023

►  B.A.LL.B.  Xth Semester [Batch 2018] Special Back Result-2023

►  LL.B..  IIIrd Semester [Batch 2018] Special Back Result-2023

►  LL.B.   IIIrd Semester [Batch 2019] Special Back Result-2023

►  LL.B.  IIIrd Semester [Batch 2020] Special Back Result-2023

►  LL.B.  IInd Semester [Batch 2020] Special Back Result-2023

►  LL.B.   Ist Semester [Batch 2018] Special Back Result-2023

►  LL.B.  Ist Semester [Batch 2019] Special Back Result-2023

►  LL.B.  Ist Semester [Batch 2020] Special Back Result-2023

►  LL.B.   IVth Semester [Batch 2018] Special Back Result-2023

►  LL.B.  IVth Semester [Batch 2020] Special Back Result-2023

►  LL.B.  VIth Semester [Batch 2017] Special Back Result-2023

►  LL.B.   VIth Semester [Batch 2020] Special Back Result-2023

►  LL.B.  VIth Semester Ex-Student -2023 Special Back Result-2023

►  LL.B.  Vth Semester [Batch 2018] Special Back Result-2023

►  LL.B.  Vth Semester [Batch 2020] Special Back Result-2023

►  LL.M.  IIIrd Semester [Batch 2021] Special Back Result-2023

►  LL.M.  IInd Semester [Batch 2020] Special Back Result-2023

►  LL.M.  IInd Semester [Batch 2021] Special Back Result-2023

►  LL.M.  IInd Semester [Batch 2022] Special Back Result-2023

►  LL.M.  Ist Semester [Batch 2021] Special Back Result-2023

Faculty of Management & Computer Application

►  B.B.A.  VIth Semester [Batch 2020] Special Back Result-2023

►  B.C.A.  IIIrd Semester [Batch 2020] Special Back Result-2023

►  B.C.A.  IVth Semester [Batch 2020] Special Back Result-2023

►  M.B.A.  IIIrd Semester [Batch 2021] Special Back Result-2023

►  PGDCA  IInd Semester [Batch 2022] Special Back Result-2023

►  PGDCA  Ist Semester [Batch 2022] Special Back Result-2023

Faculty of Commerce

►  B.Com.  IIIrd Semester Special Back Result-2023

►  B.Com.  VIth Semester [Batch 2019] Special Back Result-2023

►  B.Com..  Vth Semester [Batch 2020] Special Back Result-2023

►  B.Com.  VIth Semester [Batch 2020] Special Back Result-2023

►  M.Com.  Ist Semester [Batch 2021] Special Back Result-2023

►  M.Com.  IIIrd Semester [Batch 2023] Special Back Result-2023

Faculty of Education

►  B.Com.  IIIrd Semester [Batch 2021] Special Back Result-2023

►  B.Ed.Spl.Ed.[HI]..  Ist Semester [Batch 2021] Special Back Result-2023

►  B.Ed. Spl.Ed.[HI]  IInd Semester [Batch 2021] Special Back Result-2023

►  B.Ed.Spl.Ed.[HI]..  IIIrd Semester [Batch 2021] Special Back Result-2023

►  B.Ed.   IVth Semester [Batch 2021] Special Back Result-2023

►  B.Ed.  Ist Semester [Batch 2021] Special Back Result-2023

►  M.Ed.Spl.Ed.[HI]  Ist Semester [Batch 2019] Special Back Result-2023

►  M.Ed.Spl.Ed.[HI]  IIIrd Semester [Batch 2020] Special Back Result-2023

►  M.Ed.  Ist Semester [Batch 2021] Special Back Result-2023

►  M.Ed.  IInd Semester [Batch 2021] Special Back Result-2023

►  M.Ed.  IIIrd Semester [Batch 2018] Special Back Result-2023

►  M.Ed.  IIIrd Semester [Batch 2021] Special Back Result-2023

►  M.Ed.  IVth Semester [Batch 2021] Special Back Result-2023

Faculty of Science

►  B.Sc.[Bio]  IIIrd Semester [Batch 2020] Special Back Result-2023

►  B.Sc. [Bio]   VIth Semester [Batch 2020] Special Back Result-2023

►  B.Sc. [Bio]   Vth Semester [Batch 2019] Special Back Result-2023

►  B.Sc.[Maths]  IIIrd Semester [Batch 2020] Special Back Result-2023

►  B.Sc.[Maths]   IVth Semester [Batch 2020] Special Back Result-2023

►  B.Sc. [Maths]  VIth Semester [Batch 2020] Special Back Result-2023

►  B.Sc.[Maths]   Vth Semester [Batch 2019] Special Back Result-2023

►  B.Sc.[Maths]   Vth Semester [Batch 2020] Special Back Result-2023

►  M.Sc.[Botany]  IIIrd Semester [Batch 2019] Special Back Result-2023

►  M.Sc.[Botany]  Ist Semester [Batch 2021] Special Back Result-2023

►  M.Sc.[Botany]  Ist Semester [Batch 2021] Special Back Result-2023

►  M.Sc.[Botany]  IVth Semester [Batch 2021] Special Back Result-2023

►  M.Sc.[Chemistry]  IIIrd Semester [Batch 2021] Special Back Result-2023

►  M.Sc.[Chemistry]  IVth Semester [Batch 2017] Special Back Result-2023

►  M.Sc.[Mathematics]  Ist Semester [Batch 2021] Special Back Result-2023

►  M.Sc.[Mathematics]  IIIrd Semester [Batch 2021] Special Back Result-2023

►  M.Sc.[Mathematics]  IVth Semester [Batch 2021] Special Back Result-2023

►  M.Sc.[Zoology]  IIIrd Semester [Batch 2021] Special Back Result-2023

►  M.Sc.[Zoology]  IInd Semester [Batch 2021] Special Back Result-2023

►  M.Sc.[Zoology]  Ist Semester [Batch 2021] Special Back Result-2023

►  M.A.[Zoology]  IVth Semester [Batch 2021] Special Back Result-2023

Back Results May-2023

Faculty of Education

►  B.Ed.  IInd Semester [Batch 2021] Back Result-2023

►  B.Ed. [HI]  IInd Semester [Batch 2021] Back Result-2023

►  B.El.Ed.  IVth Semester [Batch 2018] Back Result-2023

►  M.Ed.[HI]  IInd Semester [Batch 2021] Back Result-2023

►  M.Ed.  IInd Semester [Batch 2021] Back Result-2023

Faculty of Commerce

►  M.Com.  IInd Semester [Batch 2020] Back Result-2023

Faculty of Science

►  B.Sc.[Bio.]  IVth Semester [Batch 2020] Back Result-2023

►  B.Sc. [Maths]  IVth Semester [Batch 2020] Back Result-2023

►  M.Sc.[Botany]  IInd Semester [Batch 2020] Back Result-2023

►  M.Sc.[Chemistry]  IInd Semester [Batch 2021] Back Result-2023

►  M.Sc. [Mathematics]  IInd Semester [Batch 2021] Back Result-2023

►  M.Sc.[Physics]  IInd Semester [Batch 2020] Back Result-2023

►  M.Sc. [Physics]  IInd Semester [Batch 2021] Back Result-2023

►  M.Sc. [Zoology]  IInd Semester [Batch 2021] Back Result-2023

Faculty of Management & Computer Application

►  B.C.A.  IVth Semester [Batch 2020] Back Result-2023

►  M.C.A.  IInd Semester [Batch 2021] Back Result-2023

Faculty of Law

►  LL.B.  VIth Semester Ex-Student Result May -2023

►  LL.M.  IInd Semester [Batch 2019] Back Result-2023

►  LL.M.  IInd Semester [Batch 2021] Back Result-2023

►  B.A. LL.B.  VIIIth Semester [Batch 2018] Back Result-2023

►  LL.B.  IVth Semester [Batch 2018] Back Result-2023

►  LL.B.  IVth Semester [Batch 2019] Back Result-2023

►  LL.M.  IInd Semester [Batch 2021] Back Result-2023

Faculty of Arts

►  M.A. [Economics]  IInd Semester [Batch 2021] Back Result-2023

►  M.A. [Philosophy]  IInd Semester [Batch 2021] Back Result-2023

►  B.A.  IInd Semester [Batch 2019] Back Result-2023

►  B.A.  IInd Semester [Batch 2021] Back Result-2023

►  B.A.  IVth Semester [Batch 2020] Back Result-2023

►  B.A.  VIth Semester [Batch 2019] Back Result-2023

►  B.Lib.I.Sc.  IInd Semester [Batch 2020] Back Result-2023

►  M.A.[Education]  IInd Semester [Batch 2020] Back Result-2023

►  M.A. [English]  IInd Semester [Batch 2019] Back Result-2023

►  M.A. [Geography]  IInd Semester [Batch 2021] Back Result-2023

►  M.A. [Hindi]  IInd Semester [Batch 2021] Back Result-2023

►  M.A. [Sociology]  IInd Semester [Batch 2020] Back Result-2023

►  M.A.[Sociology]  IInd Semester [Batch 2021] Back Result-2023

►  M.Lib.I.Sc.   IInd Semester [Batch 2020] Back Result-2023

►  M.P.A. [Vocal]  IInd Semester [Batch 2021] Back Result-2023

►  M.P.A. [Vocal]  IInd Semester [Batch 2020] Back Result-2023

►  M.S.W.   IInd Semester [Batch 2021] Back Result-2023

Faculty of Management & Computer Application Results May-2023

►  M.C.A.  IInd Semester Result-2023

►  PGDCA IInd Semester Result-2023

Faculty of Law Results May-2023

►  B.A.LL.B.  VIIIth Semester Result-2023

►  B.A.LL.B.  VIth (Ex-Student) Semester Result-2023

►  B.A.LL.B.  VIIIth (Ex-Student) Semester Result-2023

Faculty of Arts Results May-2023

►  Diploma in Jyotish, Karmakand & Vastushastra Result-2023


Faculty of Education Results May-2023

►  D.Ed.Spl.Ed.[H.I.]  IInd Semester Result-2023

►  B.El.Ed.  IIIrd Year Ex-Student Result-2023

►  B.El.Ed.  IInd Semester Result-2023

►  B.Ed.  IVth Semester Result-2023

Faculty of Science Results May-2023

►  B.Sc. [Maths Group] VIth Semester Result-2023

►  B.Sc. [Bio Group] VIth Semester Result-2023

Ph.D. Course Work Results 2022-23

►  Updated Ph.D. Course Work  Result-2022-23

►  Ph.D Course Work Exam 2022-23 Result Chart BACK-IMPROVEMENT


Odd Semester Ex-Students Results 2022-23

 Faculty of Law

►  B.A. LL.B. VIII-Sem Ex-Student Result-2022-23

►  B.A. LL.B. V-Sem Ex-Student Result-2022-23

►  LL.B. III-Sem Ex-Student Result-2022-23

►  LL.B. V-Sem Ex-Student Result-2022-23





Special Back/Back Improvement Results 2022

 Faculty of Arts

►  B.A. III-Sem [2020 Batch] Back Improvement Result-2022

►  B.A. III-Year [2018 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  BA[JMC] VI-Sem [2018 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  MA [Ancient History] III-Sem [2018 Batch] Ex-Student Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  MA [English] IV-Sem [2018 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  B.A. I-Sem [2019 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  BA IV-Sem [2019 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  BA VI-Sem [2019 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  BA V-Sem [2019 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  BA [JMC] III-Sem [2019 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  MA[Hindi] III-Sem [2019 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  MA [Hindi] I-Sem [2019 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  MA [JMC] I-Sem [2019 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  MA [JMC] IV-Sem [2019 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  M.A. [Ancient History] III-Sem [2020 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  M.A. [Ancient History] II-Sem [2020 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  M.A. [Ancient History] I-Sem [2020 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  M.A. [Ancient History] IV-Sem [2020 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  M.A. [Economics] II-Sem [2020 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  M.A. [Economics] I-Sem [2020 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  M.A. [Economics] IV-Sem [2020 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  M.A. [Education] III-Sem [2020 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  M.A. [Education] II-Sem [2020 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  M.A. [Education] I-Sem [2020 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  M.A. [Education] IV-Sem [2020 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  M.A. [English] III-Sem [2020 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  M.A. [English] II-Sem [2020 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  M.A. [English] I-Sem [2020 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  M.A. [Geography] III-Sem [2020 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  M.A. [Geography] II-Sem [2020 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  M.A. [Geography] I-Sem [2020 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  M.A. [Hindi] II-Sem [2020 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  M.A. [Hindi] I-Sem [2020 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  M.A. [Home Science] III-Sem [2020 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  M.A. [Philosophy] III-Sem [2020 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  M.A. [Pol. Science] I-Sem [2020 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  M.A. [Pol. Science] II-Sem [2020 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  M.A. [Pol. Science] III-Sem [2020 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  M.A. [Sociology] III-Sem [2020 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  M.A. [Sociology] II-Sem [2020 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  M.A. [JMC] III-Sem [2020 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  M.A. [JMC] II-Sem [2020 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  M.P.A. [Vocal] III-Sem [2020 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  M.P.A. [Vocal] II-Sem [2020 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  M.P.A. [Vocal] I-Sem [2020 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  M.S.W. III-Sem [2020 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  B.A. I-Sem [2021 Batch] Back Exam. Result-2022

►  B.Lib.I.Sc. II-Sem [2021 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  B.Lib.I.Sc. I-Sem [2021 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  M.A.[Sociology] I-Sem [2021 Batch] Back Improvement Exam. Result-2022

►  M.Lib.I.Sc. II-Sem [2021 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  PGDY II-Sem [2021 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  PGDY I-Sem [2021 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

 Faculty of Commerce

►  B.Com. II-Sem [2019 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  B.Com. I-Sem [2019 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  B.Com. IV-Sem [2019 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  B.Com. VI-Sem [2019 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  B.Com. V-Sem [2019 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  M.Com. III-Sem [2020 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  M.Com. II-Sem [2018 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  M.Com. II-Sem [2020 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  M.Com. I-Sem [2020 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  M.Com. IV-Sem [2019 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  M.Com. IV-Sem [2020 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

 Faculty of Law

►  BA LL.B. VII-Sem [2016 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  LL.B. III-Sem [2016 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  BA LL.B. III-Sem [2017 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  BA LL.B. IV-Sem [2018 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  BA LL.B. VII-Sem [2017 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  BA LL.B. VI-Sem [2017 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  BA LL.B. VI-Sem [2018 Batch] Back Improvement Exam. Result-2022

►  BA LL.B. V-Sem [2019 Batch] Back Improvement Exam. Result-2022

►  LL.B. III-Sem [2018 Batch] Ex-Student Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  LL.B. III-Sem [2019 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  LL.B. II-Sem [2017 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  LL.B. II-Sem [2018 Batch] Ex-Student Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  LL.B. II-Sem [2018 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  LL.B. II-Sem [2019 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  LL.B. II-Sem [2020 Batch] Back Improvement Exam. Result-2022

►  LL.B. I-Sem [2019 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  LL.B. I-Sem [2020 Batch] Back Improvement Exam. Result-2022

►  LL.B. I-Sem [2021 Batch] Back Improvement Exam. Result-2022

►  LL.B. IV-Sem [2017 Batch] Ex-Student Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  LL.B. IV-Sem [2019 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  LL.B. VI-Sem [2018 Batch] Ex-Student Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  LL.B. VI-Sem [2019 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  LL.B. V-Sem [2018 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  LL.B. V-Sem [2019 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  LL.M. III-Sem [2019 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  LL.M. III-Sem [2020 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  LL.M. II-Sem [2019 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  LL.M. II-Sem [2020 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  LL.M. I-Sem [2020 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  LL.M. IV-Sem [2020 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

 Faculty of Science

►  B.Sc.[Bio.] I-Sem [2019 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  B.Sc.[Bio.] III-Sem [2019 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  B.Sc.[Bio.] III-Sem [2020 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  B.Sc.[Bio.] II-Sem [2019 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  B.Sc.[Bio.] I-Sem [2021 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  B.Sc.[Bio.] IV-Sem [2019 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  B.Sc.[Bio.] VI-Sem [2019 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  B.Sc.[Bio.] V-Sem [2019 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  B.Sc.[Maths] I-Sem [2021 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  B.Sc.[Maths] III-Sem [2019 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  B.Sc.[Maths] III-Sem [2018 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  B.Sc.[Maths] II-Sem [2019 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  B.Sc.[Maths] IV-Sem [2019 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  B.Sc.[Maths] VI-Sem [2019 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  B.Sc.[Maths] V-Sem [2019 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  M.Sc.[Physics] I-Sem [2020 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  M.Sc.[Physics] II-Sem [2020 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  M.Sc.[Botany] I-Sem [2019 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  M.Sc.[Botany] II-Sem [2020 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  M.Sc.[Maths] III-Sem [2020 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  M.Sc.[Maths] II-Sem [2020 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  M.Sc.[Maths] IV-Sem [2019 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  M.Sc.[Physics] III-Sem [2020 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  M.Sc.[Physics] IV-Sem [2019 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  M.Sc.[Physics] IV-Sem [2020 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  M.Sc.[Zoology] II-Sem [2020 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  M.Sc.[Zoology] IV-Sem [2020 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  M.Sc.[Zoology] III-Sem [2020 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  M.Sc.[Zoology] I-Sem [2020 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

 Faculty of Education

►  B.Ed.Spl.Ed.[HI] III-Sem [2018 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  B.Ed.Spl.Ed.[HI] III-Sem [2020 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  B.Ed.Spl.Ed.[HI] I-Sem [2020 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  B.Ed. III-Sem [2020 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  B.Ed. I-Sem [2020 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  B.Ed. I-Sem [2021 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  B.Ed. IV-Sem [2020 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  M.Ed.Spl.Ed.[HI] III-Sem [2020 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  M.Ed.Spl.Ed.[HI] II-Sem [2020 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  M.Ed. III-Sem [2020 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  M.Ed. IV-Sem [2020 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

 Faculty of Management & Computer Application

►  BCA V-Sem [2019 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  MCA III-Sem [2020 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  MCA IV-Sem [2020 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  PGDCA II-Sem [2021 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  PGDCA I-Sem [2021 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  MBA [HR+IT] III-Sem [2020 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  MBA[MKT+FM] IV-Sem [2019 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022

►  MBA[MKT+HR] IV-Sem [2020 Batch] Special Back Exam. Result-2022


Fresh Results 2022


►  Ph.D. Course Work Result 2021-22


Faculty of Law


►  Ex-BA.LL.B. VI Semester May-2022

►  LL.B. II Semester May-2022

►  LL.B. IV Semester May-2022

►  BA.LL.B. II Semester May-2022

►  BA.LL.B. VI Semester May-2022

►  Ex-BA.LL.B. IV Semester May-2022

►  BA.LL.B. IV Semester May-2022

►   LL.M. IInd Semester May-2022

►   BA LL.B. VIIIth Semester May-2022

►   LL.M. IVth Semester May-2022

►   BA LL.B. Xth Semester Ex-Student May-2022

►   BA LL.B. Xth Semester May-2022

►   LL.B. VIth Semester May-2022


Faculty of Science


►  B.Sc.[Bio] IInd Semester May-2022

►  B.Sc.[Bio] IVth Semester May-2022

►  B.Sc.[Maths] IInd Semester May-2022

►  B.Sc.[Maths] IVth Semester May-2022

►  M.Sc. [Mathematics] IInd Semester May-2022

►  M.Sc. [Physics] IInd Semester May-2022

►  M.Sc. [Botany] IInd Semester May-2022

►  M.Sc. [Chemistry] IInd Semester May-2022

►  M.Sc. [Zoology] IInd Semester May-2022

►  B.Sc. [Mathematics] VIth Semester May-2022

►  B.Sc. [Bio] VIth Semester May-2022

►  M.Sc. [Zoology] IVth Semester May-2022

►  M.Sc. [Botany] IVth Semester May-2022

►  M.Sc. [Chemistry] IVth Semester May-2022

►  M.Sc. [Mathematics] IVth Semester May-2022

►  M.Sc. [Physics] IVth Semester May-2022


Faculty of Arts

►   MSW IIIrd Semester Dec-2022

►   MSW IInd Semester May-2022

►   BA IInd Semester May-2022

►   BA IVth Semester May-2022

►   MA[Political Science] IInd Semester May-2022

►   MA[Economics] IInd Semester May-2022

►   BA[JMC] IInd Semester May-2022

►   BA[JMC] IVth Semester May-2022

►   MA [English] IInd Semester May-2022

►   MA [Hindi] IInd Semester May-2022

►   MA [Education] IInd Semester May-2022

►   MA [Ancient History] IInd Semester May-2022

►   MA [JMC] IInd Semester May-2022

►   MA [Sanskrit] IInd Semester May-2022

►   MA [Sociology] IInd Semester May-2022

►   MA [Home Science] IInd Semester May-2022

►   MPA [Tabla] IInd Semester May-2022

►   MPA [Vocal] IInd Semester May-2022

►   MA [Philosophy] IInd Semester May-2022

►   MA [Philosophy] Yoga Group IInd Semester May-2022

►   BPA IInd Semester May-2022

►   BPA IVth Semester May-2022

►  MA [Geography] IInd Semester May-2022

►   Ex- MA[Ancient History] IVth Semester May-2022

►   Ex- MA[Political Science] IVth Semester May-2022

►   BA VIth Semester May-2022

►   MA [English] IVth Semester May-2022

►   BA [JMC] VIth Semester May-2022

►   MA [JMC] IVth Semester May-2022

►   BPA VIth Semester May-2022

►  PG Diploma in Yoga IInd Semester May-2022

►  Regular and Back Student Examination Result

►  MPA [Tabla] IVth Semester May-2022

►  MPA [Vocal] IVth Semester May-2022

►  MA [Economics] IVth Semester May-2022

►  MA [Education] IVth Semester May-2022

►  MA [Political Science] IVth Semester May-2022

►  MA [Geography] IVth Semester May-2022

►  MA [Hindi] IVth Semester May-2022

►  MA [Philosophy] IVth Semester May-2022

►  MA [Ancient History] IVth Semester May-2022

►  MA [Home Science] IVth Semester May-2022

►  MA [Sanskit] IVth Semester May-2022

►  PG Diploma in Yoga IInd Semester May-2022

►  MSW IVth Semester May-2022

►  B.Lib.I.Sc. IInd Semester May-2022

►  M.Lib.I.Sc. IInd Semester May-2022

►  M.A.[Sociology] IV-Semester May-2022

► Diploma in Jyotish Karmakand and Vastushastra-2022


Faculty of Education

►  D.Ed.Spl.Ed.[HI] IInd Semester May-2022

►  B.El.Ed. IVth Semester May-2022

►  B.Ed. IInd Semester May-2022

►  B.Ed.Spl.Ed.[HI] IInd Semester May-2022

►  M.Ed.Spl.Ed.[HI] IInd Semester May-2022

►  B.El.Ed. IInd Semester May-2022

►  M.Ed. IInd Semester May-2022

►  M.Ed.[HI] IVth Semester May-2022

►  B.Ed. IVth Semester May-2022

►  D.Ed.Spl.Ed.[HI] IVth Semester May-2022

►  B.Ed.Spl.Ed.[HI] IVth Semester May-2022

►  M.Ed. IVth Semester May-2022

 B.El.Ed. III Year 2022

 B.El.Ed. IV Year 2022


Faculty of Commerce

►  M.Com. IInd Semester May-2022

►  B.Com. IInd Semester May-2022

►  B.Com. IVth Semester May-2022

►  B.Com. VIth Semester May-2022

►  M.Com. IVth Semester May-2022


Faculty of Management & Computer Application


►  MCA IInd Semester May-2022

►  BCA IVth Semester May-2022

►  BCA IInd Semester May-2022

►  BBA IInd Semester May-2022

►  MBA IInd Semester May-2022

►  BBA IVth Semester May-2022

►  BCA VIth Semester May-2022

►  MCA 2 Year VIth Semester May-2022 [New batch]

►  MCA 3 Year VIth Semester May-2022 [Old batch]

►  PGDCA IInd Semester May-2022

►  MBA [FM +HR] IVth Semester May-2022

►  MBA [FM +IT] IVth Semester May-2022

►  MBA [HR +IT] IVth Semester May-2022

►  MBA [MKT +FM] IVth Semester May-2022

►  MBA [MKT +HR] IVth Semester May-2022

►  BBA VIth Semester May-2022
